
At handolederco. you will find the best quality unique stylish genuine leather bags.Bags by HANDOLEDERCO. are high quality leather products which impress through excellent quality and timeless design. These cool, stylish yet elegant bags seem to match up the personality and character of diverse group of individuals whether an office goer, a student or a traveler. Our bags are available in huge variety from laptop messenger bags to laptop backpack and from office briefcase to rucksacks and weekender bags. We have all sizes (big or small) leather backpack, leather rucksack, leather messenger bags, leather laptop bag, leather backpack,leather rucksack, leather satchels , leather briefcase, leather camera bag , leather luggage bags, leather gym bags, leather duffel bags etc. Our bags are high quality.


WE promote the concept of using nature friendly leather bags to the world. The bags produced by us are 100% ECO friendly and are made using goat leather which is tanned without the use of any chemicals. These bags are handcrafted by artisans using traditional techniques.The goat leather skin is cleaned of any unwanted hair and tanned for 30-45 days using vegetables leaves without the use of any chemicals. We use durable fittings such as rivets, buckles and buttons all made of brass. .The outside of the bag is then rubbed with vegetable oil to get the right shade and make it water resistant. The whole process takes longer but that’s what makes us fall in love with our own bags. Feel free to explore our leather bags store and find yourself the best stylish affordable leather accessory you will love at first sight.